The U.S. Campaign to Ban Landmines and the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit are pleased to announce a special event on the United States and the Mine Ban Treaty to be held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on February 19.
The half-day symposium aims to promote the Mine Ban Treaty and its objectives ahead of its Third Review Conference in Mozambique in June 2014, as well as highlight the need for a positive conclusion to the U.S. landmine policy review.
The event will open with keynote addresses by Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, HRH Prince Mired Raad Al-Hussein of Jordan, and Senator Patrick Leahy. These speakers will be introduced by François Rivasseau, deputy head of the EU delegation to the U.S., who was involved in the negotiations of the Mine Ban Treaty in the 1990s on behalf of France.
An expert panel on U.S. landmine policy moderated by Rachel Stohl from the Stimson Center will feature a mine action practicioner, a landmine survivor, a retired general, and the chair of the U.S. Campaign to Ban Landmines.
Ambassador Amélia Matos Sumbana of Mozambique will provide concluding remarks on behalf of the president of the Mine Ban Treaty’s Third Review Conference.
The event will be live-streamed and live-tweeted. Please click here for a live feed starting at 9:30am on February 19.
For more information, see the Program and Invitation.